Join the APB

About Membership

Thank you for considering joining the Association of Professional Biology (APB). Your support would strengthen our ability to advocate for and represent professional biologists in BC and provide resources for those practicing in British Columbia and beyond. As a member, you would also be able to take advantage of various benefits, which you can read about on our Member Benefits page.

The APB has various categories of membership:


Fee plus GST


Accredited Member


Only open to practicing professional biologists who are in good standing with an accredited regulated professional accreditation organization.

College of Applied Biologists (CAB) in BC or Alberta’s Society of Professional Biologists (ASPB) in Alberta as an RPBio or an APBio

Accredited members have voting rights on APB governance and policy.

Affiliate Member / General


For non-professional or non-accredited biologists. Students can join as Affiliate members at a discounted rate.

Affiliate members cannot vote on APB governance and policy.

Affiliate Member / Student


Emeritus (Retired) Membership / Annual


For members who are 65 years of age or older and have retired from the profession.

Emeritus (Retired) Membership / Permanent



In addition to these regular membership categories, the APB has three specific designations that are periodically awarded, two for voting members and one for non-voting members.


Fee plus GST


Fellow Membership


Membership is in the Association of Professional Biology (FAPB) is a designation for long-serving active members who have displayed exemplary application of the APB’s purposes during their career.

Life Membership

No Fee

Life Member designations recognize long-serving APB members who have made a significant positive contribution to the Association during their membership,

Honorary Membership

No Fee

This membership is a category where non-biology professionals are granted a symbolic, non-voting membership in the Association in recognition of their great contribution to the science of biology.


*Accredited, Affiliate & Emeritus Annual Memberships with the APB are renewed on an ANNUAL basis from January 1st to December 31st*

Purchase a Membership

To purchase an annual membership as an Accredited, Affiliate or Emeritus (Retired) Member, follow the appropriate link below to go to our APB Store and click the Add to Cart button. More detailed descriptions of the membership categories are given on this page.

If you wish to renew a Fellow Membership or renew an Emeritus Membership on a Permanent basis, or inquire about Life and Honorary Memberships, please contact our office at [email protected].

Membership Requirements

  • Applicants must be at least 18 years of age.
  • Only an individual can apply for an APB membership. An organization or company cannot become a member of the APB.
  • Affiliate membership applicants must sign a waiver, affirming that they will not represent themselves as a professional biologist or professional biology practitioner in any jurisdiction where legislation prohibits such representation, unless they have the required professional accreditation from an authorized accrediting organization, such as, in the case of the Province of British Columbia, the College of Applied Biology.

APB Privacy Policy

Respecting the privacy of personal information is important to us. Please see the APB Privacy Policy for details on how the information you provide is used by the APB. The APB members database and website are hosted on a Canadian server. Personal information collected from APB members is subject to the privacy laws in Canada set by the Office of the Privacy Commissioner of Canada.

Necessary steps are taken to ensure our members’ and sponsors’ payment card data is kept secure and that they, as well as the APB, are protected against data breaches. APB uses an online engagement management system that has been validated by the PCI Security Standards Council. Compliance with the Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI‐DSS) means that the Association adheres to requirements for security management, policies, procedures, network architecture, software design, and other critical protective measures.